Office Administration

Crystal Hopper, Office Manager
Team Member: 11 years at Siegner and Company.
Experience: Construction-related front office management, including payroll, accounts payable, and accounts receivable since 1997.
Favorite part about the painting industry: 
“The people are my favorite part of my job. I have met some fantastic people who have helped me grow personally and professionally, and I am very grateful.“


Megan T. Healy, Office Assistant Manager
Team Member: 2 years at Siegner and Company.
Experience: Payroll, data entry, bookkeeping assistance.
Favorite part about the painting industry: 
“Everyone is fun to talk to, which gives the company a “family” atmosphere.“

Technology in the front office:
We use technology to our advantage in front-office operations. The office staff communicates with estimating, project management, and field personnel through our software programs and devices. This allows us to answer questions and solve potential problems in real time as they arise. Our phone systems and voicemail are automatically routed to the appropriate party by email.

Jill Siegner, Project Administrator
Team Member: Less than 1 year at Siegner and Company.
Experience: After 25 years in healthcare as a procedure coordinator, IVF coordinator, and clinic manager, I decided that I needed a change. Though I am new in the commercial painting business, I am not new to the Siegner family. With my management experience and attention to detail, I look forward to a profession where I can excel and achieve a work/life balance.
Favorite part about the painting industry:
“Having been a family observer on the sidelines over the last 20 years, I know the effort everyone has put forth to make this company what it is today.”


Technology for flexibility at home:
We use technology to help employees balance out personal and professional schedules. All our software programs are web/app based, making it easier for team members to communicate and execute workload when individual schedules do not allow travel to and from the office. This approach has always been a part of who we are as a company, which allowed us to continue to work during the Covid pandemic. While some jobs were shut down and schedules were delayed, our office team was able to work remotely without interruption. As we move away from the pandemic, technology will play an even more critical role in eliminating paper construction forms and increasing information sharing amongst all team members within or outside the office.